Jared Cabanilla

Full Stack Developer



github linkedIn resume

B.S. in Computer Science and certification in Full Stack Web Development. Passionate about using technology to make lives easier. Natural strength in creativity.

Featured Projects


Fuze is a web application where a user can create a team based on roles for the game Overwatch.

Technologies Used:

Bootstrap, Javascript, Handlebars.js, Node.js Passport, Visual Studio Code, Overwatch API

Live App


E-Betz is an application which is used to bet on live matches for video game tournaments.

Technologies Used:

ReactJS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Google Strategies, Node.js, Visual Studio Code, PandaScore API

Live App

Marvel Clicky Game

Marvel clicky-game is a memory type game where a user will have to remember the last character they clicked.

Technologies Used:

Javascript, ReactJS, Node.Js Visual Studio Code

Live App

Toy Story Trivia

Toy Story Triva is a game where a user is asked questions about Toy Story. The user will have 30 seconds to answer each question and will be shown the results at the end

Technologies Used:

Javascript, HTML5, Visual Studio

Live App