Full Stack Developer
B.S. in Computer Science and certification in Full Stack Web Development. Passionate about using technology to make lives easier. Natural strength in creativity.
Fuze is a web application where a user can create a team based on roles for the game Overwatch.
Bootstrap, Javascript, Handlebars.js, Node.js Passport, Visual Studio Code, Overwatch API
E-Betz is an application which is used to bet on live matches for video game tournaments.
ReactJS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Google Strategies, Node.js, Visual Studio Code, PandaScore API
Marvel clicky-game is a memory type game where a user will have to remember the last character they clicked.
Javascript, ReactJS, Node.Js Visual Studio Code
Toy Story Triva is a game where a user is asked questions about Toy Story. The user will have 30 seconds to answer each question and will be shown the results at the end
Javascript, HTML5, Visual Studio